
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Yoga Pilates Basics

Pilates were invented by Joseph Pilate in the early 20th century. Yoga Pilates can prove to be of great help if all the necessary rules related to Pilates exercises is followed properly. Yoga Pilates is a regimen of exercise that can be equally beneficial and enjoyable. Very simply, Pilates is the contemporary part of the older Yoga movements. The number of Pilates exercises can be as many as five hundred exercises that can be performed by using only five chief instruments. Each pose of yoga has great significance similar to its Pilates equivalent. The important yoga Pilates basics that one must master are movement to and fro from center and revolving around center.

Maintaining good health and proper well being is the chief point of proper and regular practice of yoga Pilates. Regular action will definitely leave a deep, positive impact in your physical as well as mental life. After some days of practice you will find that your body's flexibility is enhanced. The stretching that is involved in Pilate yoga helps in lessening the threat of injuries.

One of the biggest benefits of Pilates exercises is that your body's balance is improved. With the passage of time, your body aches will reduce to a great extent as well. With regular exercise, the muscles are strengthened, resulting in the stimulation of your endurance, stamina and your energy level.

One great thing that you will experience as a result of Pilates yoga is that you will find that your body and mind is much more relaxed compared to how you felt before. Pilates yoga involves certain breathing patterns that help a person to calm down and relax, resulting in sounder sleep.

Now days Pilates are often prescribed by specialists like osteopaths, physical therapists, chiropractors and many holistic practitioners as a principal, practical taming process. Pilates indeed rank first in the western chart of fitness. The viewpoints of Pilates teachers and Yoga instructors are somewhat the same on the workings of the exercise. Many consider Pilates to be yoga on the machines while others see it as neuromuscular education or strength conditioning.

Basically Yoga and Pilates are reciprocally supportive: Yoga gives Pilates litheness and mobility while Pilates offers constancy and mobility in the movement. When united with Yoga, Pilates doctrine augments the practice by bringing central stabilization into light as well as training and substance for yoga postures (particularly in the strength to seize). Since Pilates is more about length and potency, Yoga helps to amplify the litheness capability.

Many people whose job demands sitting at a desk or driving almost 8 hours a day, gain a lot from Pilates Yoga. With easy ideas of figure and postural doctrines, it will support the backbone and unlock the oomph channels. It edifies consciousness and centering, suppleness and mobility. It is a coordination of associated exercises that are also helpful separately.

Dancers and professional athletes practice the Pilate form of exercise. This helps them to achieve flexibility of body and gain strength. Recently this form of exercise has become very popular among celebrities and models for keeping fit. There is no harm in practicing yoga Pilates. In fact, it is considered to be safe even when practiced during special conditions like pregnancy

Difficult To Lose Weight After 30

e Weight After 30?

Have you tried to lose weight after 30? Wasn't that more difficult than ever before? Guess what? It's even more difficult after 40! Have you ever wondered why your body reacts differently to the same regimes you apply in different stages of your life?

People that have never had a weight problem get flabbier after 30 without clear explanation. They start exercising and they don't see any improvement. They eat less, and they still don't achieve any significant change. What they don't take into consideration is the aging impact on their body.

Aging is a Reason for Gaining Weight and the Obstacle to Losing Weight
There are more than 20 theories about aging but the most researched one is the "Free Radicals" theory. Free radicals are atoms or molecules in which at least one electron is unpaired causing an instability (a stable atom contains a balance of paired electrons which encircle the nucleus).

This instability causes the electrons to be very reactive – they bond easily with healthy molecules and damage them. According to the free radicals theory, this damage is what causes you to age and to become vulnerable to certain diseases.

The most common free radical is an oxygen radical, which occurs in the mitochondria when an unpaired electron interacts with oxygen. Mitochondria are your cellular power plants, the tiny structures in your cells that provide energy in the chemical form of ATP. This is your "fuel" for all your life functions. It helps your heart to pump and your lungs to distribute oxygen when you breathe.

When free radicals are formed in the mitochondria, they reduce the power of your cellular power plants to produce energy efficiently. You are not running out of energy because you're aging. You are aging because you are running out of energy. Free radicals gradually shut down your power as if you are slowly turning off a light dimmer.

Free Radicals and Energy Reduction are the Roots of Most Aging Problems
Without energy your metabolic rate drops causing you to accumulate more body fat. You are losing muscle mass, bone mass, facial collagen and you are tired even when you have over-slept.

Energy reduction at the cellular level also decreases the hormone secretion in your glands. The most abundant hormone in the body is DHEA. It is known as the "mother of all hormones" because it is involved in manufacturing of other hormones, especially the sexual hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

DHEA peeks at the age of 20 but afterwards declines sharply so at age 45 you have 50% of your high peek DHEA, and at the age of 65 you have only 10-20% of what you had at age 20. As the mother of all hormones DHEA represents a decline in other hormones as Human Growth Hormone, (HGH), Testosterone (in men), estrogen and progesterone (in women).

Studies show that as lower your hormone level is, as higher your tendency to accumulate fat.

Weight gain after 30 is a result of a vicious cycle of aging. Aggressive free-radicals decrease energy production which decreases hormone level and your metabolic rate to levels that most diets cannot help.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Neutralizing Free-Radicals
The most common way to fight free radicals is by increasing significantly antioxidants in your body. Your body produces antioxidants naturally or it gets it from food like fruit and vegetables.

Antioxidants are form of enzymes that attack free radicals by attaching to the unpaired electron and neutralize it. There are 2 kinds of antioxidants:

The first type patrols the body, blocking the formation of free radicals.
The second type disarms the already existing free radical before they bind with healthy molecules.

Studies show that today's fruit and vegetables are not rich in antioxidants as few decades ago. It is impossible to get the recommended level without supplements as multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and vitamin E in the right dosages. But this by itself doesn't make the difference. No one lose weight just by taking antioxidants.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Boosting Energy in Your Cells
You can increase your cells energy if you exercise regularly and supplement your food with energizers. Energizers are vitamins and minerals that increase the energy production in your cells. Well studied energizers are Lipoic Acid, Chromium Picolinate, Coenzyme Q-10, and others. Cardio training is the best exercise to boost your cellular energy. Cardio training is what you may know as aerobic exercise like jogging, cycling, rowing or other activities that ramp your heart rate.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Increasing Hormone Level and Accelerating Metabolic Rate

An expensive and still questionable way to increase your hormones is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement therapy must be recommended and supervised by a doctor. But criticizers recommend staying away and not messing with the side effect risks of hormones.

You can boost your hormone level significantly without a doctor and for free if you engage in resistance training like free weights, weight machines, bands, cables or even body weight.

Studies show without a doubt that resistance training stimulates secretion of HGH and testosterone. But that's not all. Resistance training has many other benefits. It helps to gain muscle and reverses the aging damage of losing muscle. The more muscles you have, the more fat you burn because mussel growth accelerate you metabolic rate.

Aging is Not an Obstacle Anymore to Weight Loss
You reverse your aging damages backward and slow your aging forward when you burn fat and gain muscle. You can accelerate this process by reducing free-radicals and increase energy production using supplements. But there is no way to achieve it without special exercises that boost hormone level and nutrition that decreases blood sugar.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Child Health Skin care Choose the right one for your baby

Baby’s skin is very tender and sensitive unlike grown ups, therefore it needs an extra care. There are many baby products available in baby stores, but one has to be cautious for choosing the right product. Here are few tips that can help to choose from the wide variety of products available in the market.

• Though plain water is sufficient to clean the baby’s skin, a mild soap can be used occasionally. Choose a mild herbal baby soap preparation that are enriched with natural essential oils and herbal extracts like olive oil, coconut oil, calendula etc.

• Baby powders made from bentonite clay or cornstarch are a good choice for baby. Avoid powders made of talc and fragrance.

• Apply powder only on the folds of the neck, underarm and the diaper area. Avoid application on face as it might cause lung problems when the particles of powder are inhaled.

• A gentle lotion free from petroleum gel (mineral oils) and fragrance is the right choice to moisturize the dry skin of a baby.

• A moisturizer includes aloe vera, marigold, and calendula herbal extracts that act as a natural moisturizer and has anti bacterial properties.

• Select a natural shampoo that is hypo allergic, non toxic and free from harmful chemicals.

• Avoid strong detergent to wash baby clothing. Use hypo allergic detergents or soaps specially formulated for washing infant clothes. This can avoid rashes and leaves a gentle touch to baby’s skin.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Yoga Facts

Yoga is a group of ancient practices which were first developed in India. It is still popular in the country today, and is considered to be a spiritual exercise. Many Indians see it as a way of attaining enlightenment. Yoga is broken down into four primary categories, and these are Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. However, these are only a few of the many variations of this exercise. Yoga has become popular in the West, and is well known because of its many postures.

While yoga is commonly seen as just being an exercise in the West, it is an important part of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. For those who are followers of these religions, yoga is not only seen as being an exercise, but is also a method that can be used to attain enlightenment. This practice has existed for thousands of years, and has been mentioned in a number of important Indian texts such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Contemporary yoga is comprised of a number of different principles, and many of these are taken from Indian religions.

The purpose of the postures is to keep the body healthy and fit. Practitioners will often chant, and may perform breathing techniques as well. Meditation plays an important role in yoga, and many western yoga establishments present the practice in a way that can help those who don't practice Hinduism. Many people in the West are attracted to yoga because of its ability to relax both the body and the mind. In addition to this, it is a great way to stay physically fit. Many people who practice yoga view it as being a great way to improve their health or enhance the function of their minds.

The goal of some yoga practitioners is to achieve what is called samadhi. Samadhi is a complex mental state where a person can achieve ecstasy. The goals of those who practice yoga will vary based on their religion and background. Those who practice Hinduism believe that yoga is away of getting close to God. Buddhists believe that yoga can help individuals achieve a deeper level of wisdom. Western nations place an importance on individualism, so many people in the West will use yoga as a method for self improvement.

Yoga is a very ancient practice that places an emphasis on having full control over the body and the mind. Many people who use it believe that they will be able to gain insight into the underlying structure of reality. The Yogi is a person who will attain an state of enlightenment where their thoughts will cease, and they will achieve a type of union. Yoga is a very complex subject which can mean different things for different people. Even if one does not wish to attain enligtenment, this practice can allow them to enhance their own insight. Even though yoga has strong connections to Indian religions, it is not a religion itself. Even though the exact age of this practice is not known, it is estimated that it has existed for at least sie thousend.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Lip care for dark lips

Lady with dark lip tends to use lipstick more than others. Dark lips can be a natural color of one’s lip or can result due to smoking, drinking tea or coffee in excess or sometimes it may be your natural color. Here are some tips for people with dark lips.

1. A simple method is to use Vaseline, but this is a temporary cure and need to be applied everyday.

2. If you smoke, please stop it, since this will worsen the lip color and your health.

3. Applying ghee is very usefull to bring back the lip color alive.

4. For a lady with dark skin and lips it is best to go with plum or wine lipstick. It is best to avoid bright reds and pinks shades.

5. Use good quality lipstick, and check for expiry date. When at home try to remove the lipstick coat from your lips.

6. Apply lip balm or lipstick with sunblock.

7. Before sleeping massage your lips with 2 drops of a mixture of honey, lime juice and glycerin.

8. Almond oil can also be used, this helps to cure discoloration in any part of the body.

9. Apply a mixture of glycerin, saffron and rose flower leaf at night before sleeping.

10. Apply a mixture of milk and saffron and apply it at night.

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar

We have known the importance and benefits of the first six Ashtanga Namaskar Poses. We will conclude the Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga Asana series with the remaining six asanas.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Inhale - Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is very useful to keep your back in the fittest position. The spinal region becomes strong and very agile. This asana helps in creating a healthy circulation for your back. It tones your body as well as the spinal nerves. Your digestion is improved. It tones your liver as well as massages the kidneys. The male and female reproductive system improves. Irregular menstrual cycle problems are rectified too. With the increasing blood circulation your face gives a radiant look.

8. Parvatasana
Exhale - Om Mareechibhyoh Namaha

Benefits: This asana is the same asana you do in the No.5 position i.e Parvatasana. Like a mountain it helps in strengthening your arms and shoulders. Your back gets toned due to the elongation of the spine. This is a very good asana for people with bulging bellies as well as increasing waist-line. Any problem with the abdomen is also improved.

9. Ashwa-sanchalan-asana
Inhale -Om Adityaaya Namaha

This asana is the same asana you do in the No.4 position i.e Ashwa-sanchalan-asana. This pose is very useful for massaging your internal organs for better functionality. Your leg muscles are strengthened creating a proper balance. It affects your mind too as it helps it to remain calm and stable. Throat problems can be erased by regular exercise.

10. Pada Hastana
Exhale - Om Savitre Namaha

Benefits: This asana is the same asana you do in the No.3 position i.e Pada Hastana . Having problems with your feet or finger? This asana helps you correct it quickly. Your stomach and your digestive system are free from any complication. The bending of your torso helps your chest to broaden. Arms and hands become stronger too.

11. Hasta Uttanasana
Inhale - Om Arkaaya Namaha

Benefits: This asana is the same asana you do in the No.2 position i.e Hasta Uttanasana. The lifting and stretching of the arms helps the muscles in your arms. Your shoulder becomes strong and flexible. Your digestion improves as it tones the lungs while stretching. It is a good remedy to remove excess weight. This improves your vision tremendously.

12. Pranamasana
Exhale - Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is the same asana you do in the No.1 position i.e Pranamasana. This position clams your nerves as it eases your body and lets you have a sense of balance.

Ashtanga Namaskar asana ends with the same asana as we had started with i.e Pranamasana.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while attempting to perform any of the asanas. If you are suffering from any health problems consult your doctor and your yoga instructor before trying the asanas. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Carrots for Clear Vision

The carrot contains about 490 phytochemical and is thus rightly called as poor man's ginseng. They are rich in Beta-carotene an antioxidants, which helps the immune system to tackle cancer cell. It protects the cell from free radicals and prevents oxidation of fat. The carrot is a rich source of Vitamin A, calcium, potassium, vitamin B and C.

Health benefits of Carrots:

• They are best source of Vitamin A which is needed for the formation of rhodopsin in eye.

• Vitamin A in carrots helps to cure coughing and high blood pressure.

• Eating carrots or drinking carrot juice everyday results in radiant skin.

• Carrot is a rich source of calcium which is needed for vasoconstriction.

• Carrot contains potassium that enhances normal heartbeat.

• Carrot is a rich source of Vitamin B that enhances metabolism.

• Carrot contains Vitamin C that helps to strengthen blood vessel and protects cells from free radicals.

• The beta carotene in carrots will stop heart disease and macular degeneration.

• Alpha carotene decreases the risk of Lung cancer.

• Fresh carrot juice can provide instant energy to the body.

• Carrot soup has been used to treat diarrhea. It inhibits the bacterial growth.

• Carrots have carotenoids that help to reduce blood sugar level by decreasing the insulin resistance.

Pregnancy and Nutrition

A well balanced diet is more important for pregnant women, because it serve the needs of both the mother and baby in the womb. A nutritious diet should have enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. A pregnant woman requires around 300 k cal energy per day. Pregnancy is measured in trimesters; in first trimester the baby growth will be very less as a result there is no significant weight gain. Where as in second and third trimester growth is fast and weight gain by 5 kg at each trimester. If they ignore diet leads birth weight defects of the baby.

• Folic acid Supplements 400mg per day, helps to prevent neural tube defects in the new born; rich source of folic acid include orange juice, cereals, spinach, bread and legumes are also good sources of folic acid.

• Iron Supplements helps to increase amount of blood and sources include potatoes, dates, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals.

• Calcium Supplements helps for the development of bones and teeth of baby, sources include milk, cheese and green vegetables.

• Protein Supplements helps for growth of new cells and replacement of old cells, sources include meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, milk, eggs and nuts.

• Water carries the nutrients to the baby and prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, excessive swelling, and urinary tract infections.

• Vegetables including carrots, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and red sweet pepper; they provide vitamins A and C , minerals and fiber which helps to relieve constipation during pregnancy.

• Fruits including melon, mangoes, bananas, apricots, oranges and apples provide vitamin C helps to build a strong placenta.

• Nuts, cereals including oats, beans, peas and pulses etc provide fiber helps to avoid piles.

• Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt and meat, poultry provide protein.

Breast Milk

Breast milk is the most natural and perfect food for normal growth and healthy development of infants.  It establishes mother child contact. Breast feeding reduces risk of infections. Breast feeding helps in retraction of the uterus. The milk produced in first few days is called colostrums. Colostrum is yellow colour as it contains high levels of beta carotene. Colostrum also contain good amount of zinc and vitamin E. Nutritive value of 100 ml colostrums is 58 calories, 3.7 g of protein, 2.9 g of fat and 5.3 g of carbohydrates. Breast milk contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fat. It also provides the digestive proteins, minerals, vitamins and hormones that infants need. Breast milk contains antibodies that fight against germs and infections. Breast milk contains taurine an amino acid is important to the brain development. It also contains cholesterol which is needed to make nerve tissue in the growing brain. It is high in lactose, which is broken down in the body into glucose and galactose; galactose is a valuable nutrient for brain tissue development.

Wavefront Lasik - How it's done and what it is?

Traditional LASIK surgery achieves a simple correction of focusing power by reshaping the cornea with the aid of a laser. Wavefront LASIK is a variation of that conventional procedure and accomplishes a spatially varying correction based on readings from a wavefront sensor. In essence, a wavefront sensor measures the eye itself. Wavefront measurements reveal the irregularities of the lens, which cause optical aberrations (any deviation from a desired perfect planar wavefront).

Wavefront custom sculpts the cornea to accomplish corrected vision. In many ways, Wavefront offers better results than traditional LASIK. LASIK has certain potential side effects including halos or glare, which are caused due to induced spherical aberration. Anyone considering Lasik laser eye surgery will welcome the introduction of wavefront technology into the process. It gives the eye surgeon the information needed for a more effective and successful procedure.

Eye surgeons now have available a new technology that makes vision correction more precise. It's called "wavefront".

To correct poor vision Lasik eye surgery has become the popular choice. Lasik surgery links the condition of the patient's visual system to the Lasik laser for correction.

The incisions performed on the cornea of the eye are customized to the patient's individual needs. Accurate data concerning the condition of the patient's eyes is all important. Wavefront technology is a technology that is capable of measuring refraction at multiple points on the eye as light is reflected upon it. This creates a "map" of the patient's eye. Because each eye is unique the data from each eye must be carefully analyzed so that the Lasik laser maybe properly programmed.

Conditions within the cornea of every eye affect refraction. The ability to treat these aberrations can result in an improved outcome after Lasik surgery. Clinical trials using wavelength technology have shown that nearly 80% of Lasik eye surgery patients undergoing custom surgery achieved 20/20 vision. This is a higher number than those who underwent traditional Lasik surgery.

Another benefit of wavefront is in determining which patients are not candidates for Lasik surgery. Wavefront technology can detect an infinite number of aberrations by using a fixation target along with an input laser beam. A wavefront sensor is used to measure the slope of the wavefront as it exits the eye. When the laser light beam enters the eye, it produces a flat wavefront. In the perfect eye, a wavefront that is still completely flat will reflect back. After wavefront is used to evaluate and diagnose existing aberrations in the eye, it is used to create the exact procedure for reshaping the cornea.

Wavefront technology is not new. Wavefront is used for adjusting the optics in their telescopes. The data resulting from wavefront technology is used to remove aberrations. The procedure employed by the wavefront analyzer to measure higher order aberrations would appear quite complex to a layman.

This wavefront is compared against a planar wavefront, in order to determine both lower and higher order aberrations.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Boost Metabolism And Lose Weight By Eating Well

We've all known for some time that breakfast is an integral part of the day. Now research has shown that, regardless of physical activity, eating high fibre cereal in the morning at least three times a week leads to having a lower body mass index. This study followed 2,300 teenage girls over ten years, and was conducted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the US.

One reason people skip breakfast is because they are trying to reduce their overall calorie intake. Whilst its important not to eat too many excess calories, having breakfast, even if its a simple smoothie, or a couple of pieces of fruit, will reduce the urge to snack on chocolate or other unhealthy options, as well as improving your performance at work and reducing fatigue. Sometimes its not just the overall calorie intake, but the types of foods we eat as well. Grab a couple of carrots instead of some toast - not only will you be getting fiber, but the phytochemicals such as carotene and other vitamins will help you get the most out of your body and your day. And if you're a bit disorganized with buying fruit and vegetables, visit the local fruit street vendor on the way to your local coffee shop before work. It beats a muffin nutritionally.

And for the final word on going overboard with calorie restriction, recent research found that even though mice will live up to 50% longer by eating less, humans don't. The most having a low calorie diet over your life would do is extend your time span on this earth by 7%.

Physiologically, having breakfast will in fact boost your metabolism. And its certainly a cheaper way to do that than investing in a bottle of diet pills.

A couple of weight loss tips for parents and expecting mothers. Early research has suggested that those mothers who eat excessively (think Britney Spears) have children who are more prone to being overweight by the time they are toddlers. This sets up food difficulties from a young age. And beware of teenagers or children who develop poor eating habits, combined with sedentary activities like playing playstation or xbox games too much, and watching television at the expense of even non-athletic activities like having a job or joining school clubs. These kids will have a greater tendency of growing into overweight or obese adults.

One key to integrating changes in your diet, whether with the goal of losing weight, or simply being more healthy, is to add variety. Its easy to get into a food rut, stuck for something tasty to eat that is also going to support our goals. Planning ahead, and doing a little research, can be one way of mitigating those moments when the urge to grab something unhealthy is driven by both hunger and unappetizing dishes.

Following are three breakfast recipes that will add a little variety to that all important meal, as well as supplying essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

Delicious Tropical Muesli
Serves 2 to 4. Preparation time - 10 minutes.


    * Muesli - 100gm
    * Wheat flakes- 50gm
    * Apple - peeled and grated - 1no
    * Low Fat or Skim Fruit Yogurt- 500gm
    * Mango - peeled and cut into strips - 1no
    * Passion fruit - pulp of 2
    * Flaked almonds, toasted - 11/2 tsp

Mix together muesli, wheat, apple and half the yogurt in a bowl and refrigerate covered overnight. Divide it into four serving bowls. Top evenly with remaining yogurt, mango, passion fruit pulp and flaked almonds and serve.

Choose plain low-fat yogurt for the fewest calories. Fruit and flavored products have extra calories. Nonfat yogurt sweetened with artificial sweetener is an option for dieters. Plain yogurt is the best choice for cooking.

Terrific Mango
Serves 2. Preparation time - 10 minutes.


    * Mango- peeled and chopped -125 gram
    * Chopped pineapple - 1 no
    * Papaya- peeled and chopped- 125 gram
    * Kiwi fruits - chopped- 2 no
    * Tropical fruit juice - 150 ml
    * Honey- 2 tablespoon


Mix all the fruit pieces together and pour the fruit juice and honey on top. This is an excellent dish to start your day.

Summer Special Salad
Serves 4. Preparation time - 20 minutes.


    * Water melon - 1 no (medium size)
    * Tomato - ½ kg
    * Celery - 20 gram
    * Orange -4 no
    * Grapes -100 gram
    * Pineapple (chopped) - 1 cup
    * Raisins - 12 no
    * Salt and pepper - to taste

Salad Dressing

    * Salad oil - 6 tsp
    * Mustard -2tsp
    * Chopped onion - 2 no
    * Pepper - 2tsp
    * Sugar -1 tsp

Blend all the ingredients for the salad dressing in a mixer.

Chop all the fruits and vegetables. Take the pulp out of the watermelon and put all the chopped fruits and tomatoes into the outer covering of the watermelon. Pour the salad dressing on top. Garnish with raisins.
Serve chilled.

Eating fruit and vegetables raw gives you many of their vitamins undiminished by cooking processes. It also means you get enzymes which are great for helping the digestive process. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and is also one of the few sources of lycopene, others being tomatoes, red grapefruit and guava. Lycopene is a particularly effective antioxidant.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Teeth care

Beverly Hills teeth whitening has become the nation's way of dealing with the horrible consequence of yellow teeth. Teeth whitening products have arisen that use many different methods to achieve a brilliant and bright smile. Intelligent and science driven teeth whitening products and services have been created to alleviate the stress and low-esteem that can be caused from an unattractive or unhealthy looking smile.

The professional teeth whitening systems of Beverly Hills teeth whitening has pushed through amazing innovations in teeth whitening products. Teeth whitening gels and bleaching agents have been replaced with complex laser treatments to rid the mouth of horrible yellow teeth – teeth that scare dates or little children!

Bleaching teeth is the usual method of attack for teeth whitening products. The usage of peroxide or other oxygen based chemicals on the enamel of the teeth can be used to remove the appearance of yellow teeth by removing the build-up of many years of stains and aging of the teeth. Thank goodness you do not have to run to get Beverly Hills teeth whitening for good professional services. Now services to remove the look of yellow teeth can be found throughout the world.

Teeth whitening products are important for anyone who is tired of looking in the mirror at horrible and unattractive yellow teeth. Some procedures, such as laser teeth whitening, can be very expensive. These procedures have more immediate results by using a laser to increase the effectiveness of a tooth whitening gel placed over the teeth. While more expensive, the results of the teeth whitening products are even better when combined with the professional results from laser teeth whitening.

Besides Beverly Hills teeth whitening and other beauty treatments sought from teeth whitening products, the ability to smile at someone you care about without the worry and doubt of yellow teeth could be said to be worth almost any expense. Luckily, the science to achieve a healthy and bright smile has only increased with time to allow more people to reap the benefits and enjoy the look and feel of their beautiful teeth.

Friday, 11 February 2011

How To Stop Hair loss

Most times, hair loss is explained in the context of genetics and a change in the hormonal balance of one's body. However, hair loss can also be a symptom of an underlying disease or a result from a surgery.

Skin diseases that affect the scalp form one disorder that can result in hair loss. The nutrients, minerals and supplements are lost rapidly in the hair and scalp. With any of these skin diseases, it will usually cause hair loss either because of the effects from the immune system or because of the lack of nutrients that are not available from the disease.

Cancer, lupus or diabetes are other conditions that can cause your hair to fall out. Because the nutrients are not balanced in the body from these diseases, it may cause side effects or problems with hair loss. This is known as a side effect of an underlying problem that is more severe.

When you are losing hair from a surgery, it is usually either a side effect of the disease, or from excess stress that occurs from the surgery. This is especially known to be a problem if the surgery is major. In other instances, the hair loss may be a result of part of the surgical procedure, such as chemotherapy, which will cause temporary hair loss.
Knowing how your disease or the aftermath of a surgery can result in hair loss is important as it can mean that your falling hair may just be a temporary situation as you recover from a weakened immune system and body.

Once your body hormones begin to balance again and your organs are working optimally, hair will begin to grow back at a normal rate. Don't worry excessively if your hair takes some time to grow. It takes time for the proteins and nutrients to take effect on your scalp and hair. In fact, a period of between four to six months is usually the case before you have a good amount of hair back on your head again.

If you are losing your hair because of a disease, then you can expect that the hair will grow back. In order to make sure that your hair grows back, you will need to take proper specific steps in order to remove toxins from your body and rebalance the hormones internally. In effect, your scalp and hair area will gain more nutrients and will have the ability to become healthy again. Over time, your hair loss will diminish and will grow back, despite the effects from any type of disease that has affected your body. 

Mental Illness

According to the WHO, 25% of the world population is suffering from mental illnesses. But only 40% of these cases are diagnosed and treated. One million annual suicides are the result of these undiagnosed or missed cases. Most common causes for these suicides are depression, dementia, anxiety and schizophrenia.
Senior Citizens are susceptible to a variety of mental illnesses. Depression is the most common of these. When organs such as the heart, lungs, thyroid, pituitary and other glands do not function well, mental processes are affected.   
These health issues are characterized by confusion, memory loss and disorientation.  Diseases such as Parkinson's and Huntington's as well as high blood pressure and strokes may cause it.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Healt tips

Heart is one of the very significant organs in the human body. The heart beat is the first steady rhythm and proof of life within the mother's womb. This is the beat that keeps on going through out his/her life and when the beat comes to an end, so does the individual. Therefore, it is very
important to take good care of heart, as the sufferings can greatly increase if the condition of the heart is not regulated properly and may even lead to sudden death or slow and painful agony.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Change in lifestyle can prevent heart attack to a large extent, thus increasing the chances of a healthy and long life. Few of the tips to have a healthy heart are:

1. Eat heart healthy foods - Choose foods that can reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. These include fruits (like apples, avocados, and dried fruits), vegetables (like carrot, corns, and onions), and items containing omega-3 fatty acids, soy, nuts, whole grain breads and cereals.

2. Cut down on salt  - Too much of salt intake can lead to high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (especially the coronary heart diseases). Avoid foods items like crisps, salted nuts, canned and packet soups and sauces, pizzas and ready meals.

3. Cut the fat - To keep the cholesterol level under control, limit the amount of fat intake, especially saturated fat. The total fat intake should not be more than 30% of the fats by daily calories.

4. Don’t smoke - Long-term smokers can cut their risk of heart attack to equal that of non-smokers within just two short years of stopping.

5. Monitor the alcohol intake to 1 or 2 units per day.

6. Know your body - Make sure that all the parameters on your body like BP, cholesterol levels are within the normal level.

7. Know your family health history.

8. Work for the health of your heart - The best preventive medicine for the heart disease is the aerobic exercise.

9. Make sure you recognize the early sign of the coronary heart disease.

10.Check for diabetes - Increased blood sugar can be a factor for the onset of heart disease, especially in case of obesity.

Prevention is better than cure so one should work hard to keep their heart healthy in the first place.

body Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen as a therapeutic modality. Oxygen therapy benefits the patient by increasing the supply of oxygen to the lungs and thereby increasing the availability of oxygen to the body tissues.Appropriate levels of oxygen are vital to support cell respiration. High blood and tissue levels of oxygen can be helpful or damaging, depending on circumstances. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the use of high levels of oxygen for treatment of specific diseases. High levels of oxygen given to infants causes blindness by promoting overgrowth of new blood vessels in the eye obstructing sight. This is Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Administration of high levels of oxygen in patients with severe emphysema and high blood carbon dioxide reduces respiratory drive, which can precipitate respiratory failure and death..

weight loss tips

Because of the countless diet products lining store shelves and being advertised on television, people forget that the most effective way to lose weight is simply to exercise and eat healthy. Natural diet products, however, can help a person get to their ideal weight and they include green tea and whey.

Whey is a complex milk-based ingredient made up of protein, lactose, fat and minerals. Protein is the best-known component and it is made up of smaller protein subfractions like beta-lactoglubulin, alpha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptides, bovine serum albumin and minor peptides such as lactoperoxidases, lysozyme and lactoferrin. Some of these subfractions are found only in small amounts of cow's milk.

The benefits of whey have been known for centuries. In fact, in Florence, Italy, it is said that if you want to live healthy and actively, drink whey and dine early.

Whey in weight loss

Many studies conclude that whey plays a significant role in weight reduction. The results of these studies were so astounding that whey was dubbed an adequate weight loss supplement.

Whey has unique effects on food intake. Having whey before a workout helps a person gain and preserve lean body mass. Likewise, whey maintains betaoxidation (or fat burning) during exercise, compared to other foods. If you include whey in your diet, you can increase your muscle mass and decrease your body fat. This is all because whey rapidly delivers amino acids to your body during exercise.

Not only that, but whey has been found to improve blood sugar regulation – which is another factor in controlling appetite and metabolism.

The benefit of herbal green tea extract

Green tea is famous for its medicinal benefits. Most Asian countries use it and other places around the globe are following suit. Aside from its well-known benefits, green tea can also help a person reduce weight.

Drinking green tea is also a safe way to get rid of those pounds. Unlike other herbal products, it doesn't contain ephedra (which increases heart rate and blood pressure).

Instead, green tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which work with other chemicals to intensify fat oxidation and thermogensis (in which heat is created in the body to burn fuels like fat). Moreover, green tea causes the release of carbohydrates to slow down and thus, prevents sharp increases of insulin in the blood.

One cup of green tea a day, or a supplemental tea extract, can help you burn 78 extra calories – so imagine if you drink more tea than that! Not only that, but green tea controls leptin, which is a protein produced by fats and it plays a vital role in how the body manages fat storage via brain signals. A lower leptin level decreases a person's appetite and helps them to eat in moderation.

Green tea is a safe and effective weight loss tool.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Benefits in Juices

A fresh fruit and vegetable juices are good for your health. It is good to start our day with a glass of a  vegetable or fruit juice. Instead of having soft drinks or carbonated beverages it is better and healthy to have fresh juice. Juices supply lot of nutrients and also enzymes. A daily intake juices improves glamour. It is always good to have juice without straining as fiber will benefit your healthy life.  Drinking fruit juices or vegetables juices without adding sugar is best for you good for your health. One serving of vegetables or fruits can be substituted with a glass of a juice. Every juice has its own importance depending upon with which fruit and vegetable is the juice made.  some of the common juice we drink are carrot juice, Tomato juice, Apple juice, Pomegranate juice, Beet root juice, Orange juice, Grape juice , cranberry juice etc.

Some of the healthy benefits of each fruit and vegetables juices:-

Orange juice:- Orange is a citrus fruit and citrus fruit provides vitamin c. And vitamin c acts as antioxidant.

Carrot juice:-
Carrot juice is rich source of Vitamin A. Drinking carrot juice is very beneficial it improves eye sight, it gives glow to the skin etc. It has antioxidant properties and fights & eliminates cancer causing agents.

Beet root juice:- Drinking beet root juice improves digestion as chlorine is present in it. Beet root juice improves hemoglobin levels and thus it is good for anemia patients. It also a rich source of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium. Drinking Beet root juice keeps you healthy and fit.

Pomegranate juice:- It has lot of antioxidant properties. It improves HDL and decreases LDL bad cholesterol. Pomegranate juice is good for skin glow and glamour. It also reduces skin and breast cancer. It provides many health benefits for diabetic patients.

A Cranberry juice:-
It lowers blood pressure. It is a good source of vitamin C. Cranberry juice has antioxidant properties. It lowers LDL and improves HDL cholesterol.

Apple juice:- Apple juice is a good source of Vitamin A and vitamin C. Fresh juice made from apple is a source of soluble and insoluble fiber which has many health benefits.


The Liver is a most important organ and has wide range of functions like protein synthesis and detoxification. This is the placed where most of the medicines get metabolized. The balanced diet is very important to protect the liver from infections, Overeating adversely affect the liver and it's damages your liver .

Diet for liver:-

• Include dietary fiber in your diet which binds with bile. This will help to transport toxins in large intestine, and helps to get eliminates fat-soluble toxins.

• Your should daily diet must contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, beta carotene and calcium this  will protect the liver from damaging.

• To increase the liver decongestion and functioning include food rich in folice acid, choline, betaine, methionine, vitamin Bsix and vitamin B12.

• Fasting is with a proper medical supervision helps  in to the process of detoxification.

• Vitamin C and Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant to protect your liver. Some of the foods you can include are citrus fruits, mangoes, red cabbage, green leafy vegetables and almonds.

• Include your nutritional yeast, peanuts and brown rice which are rich in Vitamin B complex.

• Include  the egg yolks, garlic, onions, whole grains and beans which are rich in methionine and to cysteine.

• Always Avoid a highly processed, refined foods such as coffee, chocolate, sugar, spicy foods, and fried foods.

• Always Avoid alcohol consumption.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Hair care

A Shampooing is a process of removing dirt from scalp and hair. Shampoo has varied based on a type of hairs. For drying hair use [egg] shampoo and for oily hair use mild shampoo. Do not scrub or over massage and wash thoroughly with warm water.

The Conditioning is a process to keep hair shiny and flexible.The Conditioner has varied, for dry hair use moisturizing conditioner, for oily hair use fatty acid free conditioner and for a damaged hair use protein conditioners.

Method of Conditioning:

  • After a shampooing gently squeeze the excess the water.

  • Comb the hair with to fingers from the roots to the ends gently.

  • Apply to little conditioner and rub the conditioner through the hair with the fingers.

  • Keep  on to the hair for 5 minutes.

  • Now gently massage the hair to loosen the conditioners.

  • Wash the hair and allow for drying the are.

Friday, 4 February 2011

eye care

A Eye exercises are rotatory movements which keeps away from straining and tension. Such a exercise will improve the blood supply to eye and make the vision more clear.

A following are the eye exercise tips for clear vision:-

• Sit is a straight and breathe deeply, move your eyes up as far as possible and down as far as possible and relax your eyes by blinking several times and repeat this for four times.

• Position a dot on the wall and look straightly first and then move the eyeballs to the right corner and then to the left corner and blink several times. Repeat this for four times and then place your palms on the eyes and rest.

• In a clockwise and anticlockwise direction rotate your eyes for proper blood supply and then blink several times, repeat it for five times each side and then close your eyes and take a deep breath.

• Close your eyes as tight as possible and squeeze your eyes which help in muscle to contraction, hold this for three times and then blink several times your eye's.

• Palming relaxes a eyes; it as preserves the eyesight and relaxes the nervous system as well.

• Always wash your eyes with a cold water before and after exercise.

• The exercise should be followed at least four times a week for a proper eye's health.

• Always protect your eyes from the hot sun and pollution by wearing sun glasses.

• Take to healthy diet which is rich in Vitamin A.

• Once in a month clean your eyes with few drops of anti bacterial drops it's good for eye.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

spa tips

Always Spa is a place where the person can get wide range of health and beauty treatments and help in the relaxation of the person from various stress and pain. Today’s modern lifestyle has made people feel more sicke [and] stressed and exhausted. Due to the extreme stress and tensions prevailing in professional as well as personal life, spa has become more popular offering relaxation techniques though at a higher prices.  

A term ‘spa’ is derived from the Latin word “solus per aqua”. It is based on the concept of immersing the body of the person in water to restore and maintain health. According to The hydrotherapy, water and herbs mixed in right combination can be used to treat various ailments.

There are The different kinds of spa:-

• Day Spa:- A person has to make an appointment and get treated;

• Resort Spa:- A person can stay here for days (just like the hotel stay) and get benefitted from the different relaxation techniques;

• Medical Spa:- These are run by medical practitioners to treat patients;

• Home Spa:-  these include facials, massage and other skin and body treatments whereas some spa are restricted to particular ailment treatment like obesity or pain treatment.

Traditional spa involves applying pressure directly on the body tissues. However, modern spa utilizes various modern techniques to give various health benefits. These modern techniques include the use of ultrasonic waves, ozone negative ions and infrared rays.

Health wises, spa accelerates the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. It enhances the oxygenation of various body parts and improves the blood circulation. It tones up the muscles for a youthful and glowing appearance.

Hair restoration tips

Hair restoration technique is used to treat baldness. Baldness occurs due to permanent loss of hair roots. This loss cannot be covered except the hair restoration technique which offers a scientific solution by implanting new hair roots.


Hairs from the back region of the head never fall of due to their genetic tendency to remain permanent. Therefore, in hair restoration technique, hair roots from the back region are taken and transplanted on the baldness area, where, they after a short duration start growing normally.  Follicular micro or mini grafts are used to provide the graft of the desired density.

Hair transplantation is an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia. Post operation overnight bandage is used and the patient can go home the very same day.

Polio Vaccine

A Polio vaccine reduces the infection rate towards polio in the public. There are two types of polio vaccines available, the oral polio vaccine is [OPV] and the inactivated polio vaccine [IPV].

A Oral polio vaccine [OPV]:-

The Oral polio vaccine [OPV] is a live attenuated vaccine. [OPV] is developed from weekend live polio germs. It is administered through oral route as drops in the mouth that are swallowed. 

The Recommended age of administration:-

The usual schedule for infants is a series of six doses it is given at the time of birth, six weeks after birth, Ten weeks after birth, 14 weeks after birth, 6months, and nine months. And first booster dose is given at 18months and second booster at five years.

Inactivated polio vaccine [IPV]:-

This is vaccine is prepared from dead polio germs. It is a administered through intra venal route or intra muscular route. The Depending on the person’s age, the shot may be given into the leg or arm. IPV is the polio vaccine recommended in most of the common wealth countries. It can be given at the same time as other vaccines. The inactivated poliovirus vaccine [IPV] is usually given at ages six weeks, ten weeks and 14 weeks if opv is not givend.
The Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning. They tend to react strongly to certain substances that are breathed in. As a result muscles around them tighten. This causes the airways to narrow, and less air flows to lungs. The swelling also can worsen, making the airways even narrower. Cells in the airways may make more mucus than normal. Mucus is a sticky, thick liquid that can further narrow airways.About 12 percent of children (< 18 years) and 8 percent of pregnant women have asthma.

Types of asthmas :

• Allergic Asthma

• Intrinsic Asthma

• Exercise-Induced Asthma

• Nocturnal Asthma

• Occupational Asthma

• Steroid-Resistant Asthma