
Saturday 5 March 2011

How To Stop Hair loss

If you are a victim of DHT hair loss a herbal DHT blocker ( might just be your safest bet to over come the problem and salvage what's left of your hair. DHT hair loss affects almost ninety five percent of men all over the world it is the highest factor contributing to hair loss. So how does DHT actually make a man (or woman) lose their hair? The explanation is simpler than the cure, unfortunately.

How DHT affects the growth of hair

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a by-product of a chemical reaction of an enzyme called the 5 alpha reductase and a hormone called testosterone. The two combine to form DHT, which ultimately causes complications in the body, the most common being DHT hair loss ( Though there are many DHT blockers in the market it is always safe to request your doctor to prescribe a herbal DHT blocker for your hair loss problem. A herbal DHT blocker actually prevents the reaction of 5 alpha reductase and testosterone to a great extent thus preventing the formation of DHT. It is when this DHT is formed in the hair follicles that trouble ensues. DHT binds itself to the cell receptors of the hair follicle and starves it of nutrients it would other wise get from the blood. This starvation finally kills the follicle, which first begins to grow weaker, thinner hair. The less on has of DHT the better for the hair growth and this is exactly what herbal DHT blocker supplements seek to achieve.

Some DHT Blockers supplied by nature

Some of the naturally occurring DHT blockers are found in Saw Palmetto, which is a palm-like plant found mostly in North American. The natural extracts from saw palmetto berries are rich in fatty acids and sterols known to block 5-Alpha-Reductase and reduce DHT binding with hair follicles. These fatty acids also reduce the binding of DHT to androgen receptors. The liposterolic extract of saw palmetto combined with beta-sitosterol has produced outstanding improvements in anti-androgen activity in numerous studies. The other herbal DHT Blocker ( agents are Boarage oil, Stinging nettle, Green tea extract, Grape seeds, Apple skin, Black cohosh, Licorice, Ayurvedic anti-stress tea and many more herbal DHT blockers to be found at.

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