
Friday, 28 January 2011

First aid for The Sprain Dameges

The Sprain is injury caused to the ligament. Usually swelling, redness and pain is accompanied in the area of sprain. There are a few first aid measurements for sprain:

• ToMake sure the joint is well protected and is not allowed to hanging.

• Give rest to the injured area. But don’t go for a bed rest.

• Try to do some activity without affecting the injured part. This will help to keep up the cardiovascular conditioning.

• Apply ice on affected area for 20 mins, for 4 times a day, for 3 days. This will decrease the swelling.

• Cover the area with elastic wrap or bandage. Elastic or neoprene wraps are best.

• To decrease the swelling keep the injured area above heart.

Animal biteing First aid

Always Animal bites can be minor or deep. But it is best to make sure always that there is no infection.It's Preventing it from further spreading is also important.

• If the bite does not break the skin then there must not be any problem of infection like rabies. Just clean the area with antiseptic, apply an antibiotic lotion and put a clean bandage.

• If there is bleeding in bitten area or there is any deep cuts or swelling or redness or pain, it is best to consult doctor as there is danger of infection like rabies.

• The Apply pressure on the wound and try to stop bleeding.

Rabies  can be a potent danger caused usually due to dog, cat, fox or bat bites. If the animal is an immunized and domestic then the risk factor is highly reduced. But still the risk factor towards rabies also depends as to when the animal was immunized.

First aid for The Burns

Minor burn:

The Burns involving only the outer skin layer, in areas like hands, feet, buttocks in not more than 3 inches is considered as a First degree burn. If the area of burn exceeds 3 inches and the second layer of skin i.e., the dermis is also found affected, then it is called a Second degree burned.

Here are a few first aid measurements for first degree burns:

• The burned area must be cooled by keeping it under cool running water for 20 mins or dip the burned area in cool water (not ice cold).

• Do not apply ice on any condition as it may further cause damage to the wounds.

• Cover the burned area with a gauze bandage loosely.

• Do not use cotton or ant fluffy material to cover the wounds as this may get into the wounds.

• Do not apply ointments in wound since it may cause infection.

• If there is too much of pain taking Aspirin or Advil will settle it. While using it for children or people who have just now recovered from chickenpox or measles or any viral disease, it is best to take doctors opinion.

 Major burn:

The third degree burn is when all the skin layers are damaged. The area looks black or may look dry and white.

Here are a few first aid measurements for the third degree burnses:

• Cover the burned area with sterile bandage or moist towel or cloth.

• The burned area must be placed above the heart level if possible.

• Do not apply cold water in severely burned area as this may cause a decrease in body temperature, blood pressure and circulation.

• Try to remove the burning clothes not the burnt clothes, to make sure he/she is not in contact with heat or smoke.

Heart Attack Heart and Circulation

Usyle Heart attack occurs when the supply of blood and oxygen to an area on the heart muscle is blocked, usually by a clot in the coronary artery. Heart attack is the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide. However, if the indications are recognized early and proper medications are given, the person’s life can be saved to a large extented.

This the indications for a heart attack included:

* Pain or discomfort in the center of the chest that can last for more than few minutes.

* The chest discomfort may come and go and can have a feeling of uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
* Discomfort in the other areas of the upper body which may include one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or the stomach.

* Sudden weekness followed with sweating and fainting.

* Shortness of breath


* Nausea

* Lightheadness

Acidity Digestive organs and metabolism

The Acidity is a very common metabolic problem affecting the stomach. Acidity leads to the increased production of acid of (hydrochloric acid) in the stomach.

The indications of acidity included:

• Heartburn, burning chest pain behind sternum for a longer period

• Gas formation and pain in the stomach

• Dyspepsia and abdominal pain

• Formation of ulcer in the esophagus and stomach

• Vomiting tendency, coughing and reluctance for food in case of childrenes

Diets Therapeutic High Fiber diet

A fiber diet contains foods that have a lot of fiber. High fiber diet has many health benefits. High fiber diet is recommended in the treatment of digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Eating high fiber foods helps in proper digestion also helps in absorption of nutrients. When you eat the diet rich in fiber the daily intake of water should be adequate as liquids help your body to digest fiber. Recommendations for adults are between 25 and 40 grams per day. Dietary fiber adds bulk to your diet.

Health benefits of high fiber:

    * A diet rich in fiber controls Diabetes by maintaining the blood glucose levels. It actually slows down the digestion and it doesn’t raise the blood sugar levels too fast. It takes more time than it takes time when the food does not contain fiber. As the glucose is not released into blood too fast, pancreas doesn’t secrete insulin too fast and blood sugars are in control.
    * High fiber diet protects against colon cancer.
    * A diet rich in fiber lowers cholesterol levels. Fiber absorbs the water as it moves through digestive tract. And this increases the stool bulk, which causes the intestine to pass them more quickly. As the stool passes more quickly there is less chance for any harmful substances they contain to harm the cells lining the intestine. Fiber also helps as it traps cancer causing agents in colon.
    * It improves bowel regularity.
    * It increases satiety and controls appetite.
    * It also enhances immune system.
    * Prolonged contraction of the colon may result in diverticulitis. This increase in pressure cause small and larger ballooning pockets to form. Usually this doesn’t cause any problems. But sometimes they can become infected or also cause inflammation when the pockets are perforated. As the diet rich in fiber increases bulk in the stool and this reduces the pressure in the colon. And so the formation of pockets is stopped.
    * Fiber helps in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. The increased amounts of fiber in diet produces soft and bulky stools. But IBS patients should be careful in selecting the amount and type of fiber. The reason is that the increased amount of soluble fiber may cause health benefit by growing the good bacteria, if too much of soluble fiber is consumed intestinal gas can occur.
    * High fiber diet lowers the risk of heart disease and controls the cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
    * High fiber diet is good weight management.


    * Eat Fruits with skin instead of fruit juices.
    * Do not sieve whole wheat flour while you prepare rotis.
    * Instead of white rice choose brown rice.
    * Choose complex carbohydrates than simple sugars like whole grain cereals, whole grain breads.
    * Eat the skin on baked or mashed potatoes.
    * Eat unrefined foods.

Food sources: Excellent sources:

    * Horse gram
    * Rajmah
    * Dry peas
    * Drum sticks
    * Drum stick leaves
    * Curry leaves
    * Fenu greek leaves
    * Colocasia leaves
    * Broccoli
    * Turnip greens
    * Mustard greens
    * Rasberries
    * Red gram dal

Very good sources:

    * Ragi
    * Bengal gram ,whole
    * Barley
    * Soya bean
    * Double beans
    * Flax seed
    * Green gram, whole
    * Straw berries
    * Lettuce
    * Spinach
    * Cranberries
    * Celery
    * Fennel
    * Cow pea
    * Cluster beans

Good sources:

    * Jowar
    * Whole wheat flour
    * Maize, dry
    * Bitter gourd
    * Field beans
    * Amaranth
    * Tamrind leaves
    * Carrot
    * Sweet potato
    * Mango ginger
    * Radish
    * Capsicum
    * Cucumber
    * Apricots
    * Oats
    * Mushrooms
    * Rye
    * Grapes

Ways to applying eye make up your eye

Here are the steps you can follow to get absolutely attractive eyes.

• Use concealer and cover the under eye circles. Apply concealer as dots under eye and staring at the inner corner toward the outer part, pat it until this disappears.

• Now apply an eye base that matches your skin complexion better.

• Now apply eye shadow. Take a lighter, medium and a dark shade that is close to your natural complexion. Apply the lighter shade and slowly spread it from the lids to the brow. And then do the same with remaining shade.

• Now use the eyeliner. Line it close to the upper lashes.

• Curl lashes suing a metal eye lash curler.

• Then apply mascara using the mascara wand with a wriggling movement.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

First aid for Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis can be a serious allergic reaction that may lead to difficulty breathing or a sudden drop in BP. Here are few first aid measurements for anaphylaxis:

• Make the patient lie on his/her back.

• If patient vomits or has bleeding from mouth, turn him/her to one side, this will prevent from choking.

• If patient is wearing tight clothing, loosen them.

• Do not give any kind of drink to patient.

• Patient’s allergic reaction may often carry epinephrine auto injector, ask if they have one and need assistance for injection.

• Such auto injectors are usually pressed in the patient’s thigh. Some examples are EpiPen, Twinject.

• Check for sign for breathing in patient, if none then perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

• Do uninterrupted chest pressing for 2 second and see if symptoms improve.

• Call for medical assistance.

If you've had any kind of severe allergic reaction in the past, ask your doctor if you should be prescribed an epinephrine auto injector to carry with you.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Nutrition And Gout

Gout is also referred to as metabolic arthritis. It is caused by high levels of uric acid in the body. This uric acid forms crystals in the joints and causes pain and inflammation. Later these crystals can also form stones in kidneys. Uric acid in the body comes from both dietary sources and from sources within the body. That is 50% from food you eat and 50% from within the body. Gout can cause painful attacks when you intake of foods are high in purine and also if you drink alcohol.

Carbohydrates:  A diet should provide at least 50% of calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates you choose should be high complex carbohydrates. Limit refined carbohydrates. Fructose intake should be minimized, which is mostly present in processed foods. Atleast 3 servings of carbohydrate rich foods per day.
Fats: A diet should provide 30% or less than 30% of calories from fat. Omega 3 fatty acids can be useful in treatment of Gout. A metabolite which is produced by omega 3 fatty acid is Eicosapentaenoic acid its has anti-inflammatory effects. EPA inhibits production of the inflammatory leukotrienes, which are responsible for much of the inflammation and tissue damage caused by gout. Avoid high fat foods. Eat sweets in moderation.

Protein: Proteins should provide 15% of calories from the diet you eat. The protein sources can be from soy and lean meats etc.

Alcohol: Avoid alcohol .It increases uric acid production and it decreases uric acid excretion.

Folic acid: Folate inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme which converts xanthine to uric acid.

Fruits: Eat 2- 3 servings of fruits daily.

Vegetables: Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.

Meat, fish and eggs: Eat no meat of any kind, including organ meats As meat contains high amount of uric acid.. Avoid shell fish. Better to eat 1 to 2 servings of fish per week. 1 to 3 servings of egg is good.

Purine: Avoid purine rich foods. Purines are organic compounds that contribute to uric acid formation.

30 Tips for Perfect Health

1.Drink eight glasses of water a day.
2.Start the day with a glass of warm water and a dash of lime.
3.Include two vegetables and one fruit in every meal. Include high fiber foods plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains in planning your diet.
4.Include one green vegetable and one yellow vegetable in every meal.
5.Begin each meal with a raw vegetable salad.
6.Make a light snack of assorted sprouts.
7.Use only fresh vegetables and meals, and not the leftovers and refrigerated.
8.Once a week have only fresh fruits until noon and make lunch the first meal of the day.
9.Go on a juice fast for a day. Start with vegetable juice, and sip fruit for lunch and dinner.
10.Kick the old coffee habit and avoid beverages like soda, coffee, colas and so on. Have a glass of fresh fruit juice instead.
11.Cut out all deep-fried foods and high sugar products like soft drinks, ice-cream, candy and cookies from your diet.
12.Never skip a meal, even if you are on diet. Eat a fresh fruit or have vegetable juice instead.
13.Use salt in moderation
14.Wash vegetables thoroughly in clean water before chopping.
15.Retain peels of potato, cucumber, carrot and tomato while cooking.
16.Don’t rush through your meals. Set aside enough time to appreciate, enjoy and digest your food.
17.Make every meal an enjoyable experience. Set dishes out attractively and chew slowly to appreciate the full flavor of the foods you eat.
18.Choose to be radiantly healthy. Keep yourself informed about the nutritive value of every food you buy.
19.Watch out for eating habits paired with emotional states, like reaching for a chocolate when you are depressed.
20.Eat popcorn (rather than chips) while watching a movie.
21.Sit at the table at meal times. Don’t read the paper or review bills while eating.
22.Get a good night sleep, every night.
23.Take a brisk, 20 minute invigorating walk each morning.
24.Do not use elevators when you can climb the stairs.
25.Learn to relax. Spend 20 minutes consciously relaxing each muscle of your body.
26.Spend 20 minutes a day in silent meditation, prayer or contemplation.
27.Learn the healing power of laughter. Watch a crazy movie, recall a joke or read a funny book and laugh out loud.
28.Balance your lifestyle. Devote equal time each week to work and fun.
29.Eat just to the point of the fullness. Don’t stuff yourself!
30.Restrict alcohol consumption and stop smoking.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Yellow Discoloration in Teeth

Yellow discoloration in teeth can be due to many reasons.  Discoloration since birth cannot be cured by any of the dental treatment. Discoloration can be Extrinsic (outside) and Intrinsic (inside) depending upon the fatcors involved.
Reasons of Extrinsic Yellow Discoloration:

>Inadequate cleaning of Teeth
>Drug Intake
>Tobacco chewing
>Hard Brushing
>Excessive intake of tea and coffee
Reasons of Intrinsic Yellow Discoloration:

>Intake of tetracycline drugs during pregnancy
>Excessive use of fluoride

1.Avoid smoking as much as possible because it does not only affect teeth, it can even harm body system. Smoking contains harmful substances like nicotine and tar which are poisonous and affect our body system. When smokers lit the cigarette, these substances starts burning and leave the residue behind on teeth. Due to Continuous smoking this residue starts depositing in layers which in turn becomes hard and is difficult to get removed by toothbrush.

2.Clean your teeth twice a day and consult your dentist for routine scaling (cleaning of teeth).

3.Tobacco chewing is one of the bad oral habits which can lead to cancer of oral cavity. Try to minimize the intake otherwise results can even be worse than expected.

4.Consult dentist to learn proper brushing technique and know the toothbrush type for your teeth.

5.Never take tetracycline drugs during pregnancy; it can result in yellow discoloration of teeth from birth which cannot be treated.


Intrinsic Discoloration cannot be treated. Extrinsic discoloration can be treated by undergoing teeth whitening procedure.

Lock Jaw

What is lock jaw?
Trismus or lock jaw is condition in which patient is unable to open his mouth.
What are the causes of Lock Jaw?
• Inflammation around molar teeth: Abscess formation or pericoronitis around last molar makes opening of mouth difficult.
• Tetanus: It is characterized by lock jaw; first it affects jaw and neck area and then progress to other parts of body.
• Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder: Disorders of the teeth can contribute to TMJ dysfunction.  Impaired tooth mobility and tooth loss can be caused by destruction of the supporting bone and by heavy forces being placed on teeth.
• Oral sub mucous fibrosis: Due to excessive tobacco chewing and smoking moth opening becomes difficult.
What is the treatment of Lock Jaw?
Lock jaw can be treated by following methods:
• Visit Dental clinic: If lock jaw is because of any impacted molar which is pressing trigeminal nerve or infection in teeth, then it can be treated accordingly.
• If there is TMJ disorder than consult physiotherapist and orthodontist for the needful.
• Stop all bad oral habits; they can lead to one or the other diseases which can even lead to death.

Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is one of the bad experiences anyone can have in life. Every one of us once or twice has suffered from severe tooth pain. Common psychology of man is, never to visit dentist before the pain becomes intolerable. 

Some of the common reasons of tooth pain are:

Carious Tooth: Caries is a black discoloration which can be present in any part of the teeth. If this black discoloration exists in crown (upper surface of teeth) area, then filling (silver filling, tooth colored filling) can solve the problem. If caries extends deep into the tooth and reaches pulp (where blood supply of tooth is present) then RCT (root canal treatment) is advisable. Sometimes caries lesion even reaches apex, then RCT has poor prognosis and extraction is the only option.

Fractured Tooth: In case of fractured tooth severity of pain depends upon the line of fracture. Fracture causes redness or inflammation of soft tissues and gums which leads to severe pain. Sometimes accidentally during eating especially Non vegetarian food people tend to break their teeth. Treatment of Fractured teeth depends upon the extent of fracture line. If fracture line lies in crown then Filling is advisable, but if it crosses the crown and reaches pulp then RCT (root canal treatment) is recommended).

Tartar Deposition: Heavy tartar deposition or plaque deposition around teeth sometimes lead to pain. In this case, you should consult dentist for routine cleaning.
Above are some of the main reasons of toothache which can be treated accordingly.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Nutrition in Infants

During infants first year of life good nutrition is essential for growth and development, as the body grows at a very fast rate. An infant must obtain an adequate amount of essential nutrients by consuming proper nutrition foods. Infants need large amounts of energy rich foods and protein rich foods. During the first four to six months infant is fed on breast milk, and usually breast milk supplies all nutrients needed by the baby. After six months breast milk alone is not sufficient, along with breast milk supplementary foods should be provided. The types of foods you provide for the infants must be based on locally available food stuffs and cooking methods should be simple.

Dietary guidelines for infants:
Avoid under and over feeding.
Provide low salt foods.
Encourage breast feeding.
Provide supplementary foods along with breast feeding after 6 months.
Serve foods rich in proteins, calcium and iron.
Avoid low fat foods.
Provide iron fortified cereals.

Breast milk: First four months Provide breast milk 5 to 6 ounces 4 to 6 times each day that should be around 24 to 32 ounces. From six months provide 4 to 5 feedings of breast milk that is around 24 to 32 ounces and also provide supplementary foods.

Cereals: Until 4 months no cereals provided for infants. From four to six months provide iron fortified infant cereals  1 to 2 table spoons, 6 to 8 months iron fortified cereals 4 to 6 table spoons that would be like small pieces of crackers, dry toast cereals and other grain products 4 to 5 table spoons. In the age between 8 to 12 months you can include cereals like iron fortified cereals , small pieces of crackers, dry breakfast cereals 4 to 5 table spoons and other grain products 4 to 6 table spoons.

Vegetables:  Vegetables can be introduced from 4 to 6 months , initially in 6months age 1 to 2 tablespoon plain strained or pureed cooked vegetables 1 to 2 tbsp can be given. During 6 to 8 months pureed cooked vegetables 3 to 4 tbsp can be introduced. During 8 to 12 months pureed , mashed or chopped vegetables can be given.

Fruits: Fruits can be introduced during plain strained or pureed fresh or cooked fruits 1 to 2 tbsp , from 6 to 8 months 3 to 4 tablespoon of cooked fruits can be introduced. During 8 to 12 months you can eat 3 to 4 tablespoon. Do not add sugar or syrups to fruits. Never add honey to fruits. Avoid fruits that may cause choking. Avoid feeding soda, gelatin, fruit punches, coffee or tea.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are major source of energy. Apart from providing energy carbohydrates allow proteins in the diet to be used efficiently and also allow normal use of fats in the body. Recommended allowance of carbohydrates for infants 0 to 6 months is 60g/day and 7 to 12 months 95g/day. From birth to 4 months 108 kcals per kg body weight/ day are recommended calories. During 4 to 6 months recommended calories are 108 kcals per kg body weight per day, 6 to 8 months 98 kcal/kg bw/day,8 to 12 months  98 kcals/kgbw/day.

Proteins:  Plain strained pureed protein rich foods such as meats, egg yolks, and legumes may be introduced if an additional food source of iron is needed. During 6 to 8 months plain strained or pureed protein rich foods such as meats, egg yolk and legumes 1 to 2 Tbsp. From 8 to 12 months plain pureed, mashed or chopped cooked fruits 3 to 4 Tbsp. Avoid foods that may cause choking. Avoid fried meats, gravies, sauces, processed meats like bacon, sausage, hot dogs

Flaxseed benefits

Flax (also known as common flax or linseed) is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linacea. It is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and was probably first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. Flax was extensively cultivated in ancient Ethiopia and ancient Egypt. Flax is an annual plant, 18 -36 inches tall, with small and thin leaves and blue flowers. Flax is cultivated both for seed as well as for fiber. It is an ancient plant with variety of uses. The different portions of the plant have been utilized to produce fabric, medicines, paper, dye, fishing nets in addition to soap. A vegetable oil known as linseed oil or flaxseed oil is produced by the seeds. In addition to this flaxseed meal is used as animal feed. According to researchers, there is an evidence that flaxseed is good for improving overall health or preventing diseases.

Flaxseed Nutritional Value:
Whole flax seed –Ground meal: contains 28% dietary fiber, (7 – 10% soluble fiber, 11 - 18% insoluble fiber), 40% fat (73% of it being polyunsaturated fatty acids), and 21% protein.

Flax seed is nutritious seed packed with all vital vitamins and minerals. Flax seed nutrients include vitamins E and B,it has a very good levels of vitamin b6 and vitamin b3,vitamin k is also found in good amounts in addition to Riboflavin(vitamin-b2) , and mineral nutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, phosphorous and potassium, and excellent source of manganese and magnesium.

More than 50% of the fat in flax seed is an essential fatty acid called omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid, ALA), which makes flax seed the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acid. Flax seed oil obtained from the seeds also contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acid.

Flax seeds have high levels of fiber content which are useful for weight loss.

Flax seed is rich in antioxidants, such as lignans and other phenolic molecules.

Unlike the ground meal and powder, flax seed oil contains no dietary fiber.

Health Benefits of Flax seed:
Flax seed has excessive quantities of the essential fatty acids like Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Linoleic acid and arachidonic acids. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) is a type of plant-derived omega 3 fatty acid, similar to those found in fish such as salmon .Omega-3 fatty acids are a key force against inflammation in our bodies. Research studies have suggested that n-3 fatty acids by their asset of anti-inflammatory action helps to lower the risk of blood pressure, including heart disease, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, eye disorders  and even some cancers like breast , colon and prostate cancers. According to research studies , regular intake of small portions of flax seeds in the diet helps to lower total cholesterol  and LDL(bad cholesterol) levels and helps in increase of HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the blood.
Flax Seed as a rich source of Fiber both soluble and insoluble form helps in lowering cholesterol. The high dietary fiber in flax seed helps stabilize blood sugar, and helps in relieve constipation and other irritable bowel syndrome.
Along with alpha linolenic acid, flax seed is richest plant source for Lignans, a class of phytoestrogens having antioxidant and cancer preventing properties. These potent antioxidants work all over the human body to eliminate the free radicals. Lignans are also associated with lowering serum cholesterol and blood glucose levels and improving insulin tolerance. 
Flax seed is often used food to stimulate milk in lactating mother.
Intake of flax seed may increase bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Tips to include Flax seed in diet:
>You can add flax seeds before baking bread, buns, cookies and muffins.
>You can add tea spoon of flax seed powder to yogurt while you eat.
>Tea spoon of ground flax seed can be added to breakfast cereal.
>A tea spoon of flax seeds can be added to mayonnaise or mustard while making sand wiches.
>Sprouted flax seeds can be added to soups and vegetable salads.
>Adding flax seeds to baking products add flavor.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Depression among elders

Depression is a medical illness in which a person will experience feelings of sadness, discouragement, and a lack of self-worth. There are a variety of reasons for depression and it is mainly caused due to-

• Changes within the family

• Chronic pain and illness

• Difficulty getting around

• Frustration with memory loss

• Loss of a spouse or close friend

• Trouble adapting to a life change such as moving from a home to a retirement facility
In few cases depression can also be a sign of a medical problem. It may be complicated by brain disorders that occur with age, such as Alzheimer's disease. Depression is also a side effect of many drugs commonly prescribed for the elderly. Depression in the elderly is a widespread problem that is often not diagnosed and frequently undertreated. Many older people will not admit to the signs and symptoms of depression for fear that they will be seen as weak or crazy. Some older people may be aware of their depression, but believe that nothing can be done about it.

Here are some simple tips to fight depression:

• Find time to exercise as exercise helps to release stress. It helps blood circulation and makes you feel better.

• Stay calm, Relax and meditate on something that makes you feel happy.

• Get some sun: Vitamin D is very essential for a feel good mood. Therefore an morning walk or an evening stroll will benefit.

• Drink water/fluids: Drink plenty of water or fresh juices. This will relive you from tiredness and refreshes the body. Avoid caffeinated drinks as they may accelerate mood

• Keep yourself busy: Cultivate reading books, socializing with people, joining a social organization etc. Be occupied and built up your hobbies like cooking, gardening,
painting, sewing etc.

• Talk to someone you like: Open up your feelings to someone whom you trust. They will understand your feelings and will help you out.

• Avoid spending long time alone: Spend time with your family, friends and children.

• Make new friends if old ones are too busy. Make new changes in life that will keep you ignited. Be positive in your approaches.

• Do not underestimate yourself: Do not bother about how you look or what others may think about you. Accept your body as it is. Be affirmative and think positive. Accept the
fact that your body is undergoing some changes and will take time to subside to normal.

• Food: Keep a check on your diet. Choose foods that enhance your mood and fights against depression. Stay away from junk foods. Treat yourself with chocolates, ice
creams, fruits, fish, nuts etc.

• Get sleep: Try to get sufficient sleep. Sleeplessness may cause the body to lose energy and ends up tired. A good rest will rejuvenate your body, mind and health.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is actually the pressure of blood against the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure is measured in mm Hg. Typical values for a healthy adult human are approximately 120/80. But, if the blood pressure reading is equal to or above 140 over 90 mm Hg, then that means the concerned person is suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension has been called the "silent killer" because it usually produces no symptoms. Untreated hypertension increases slowly over the years. Hypertension can cause certain organs (called target organs), including the kidney, eyes, and heart, to deteriorate over time. Malignant hypertension, an emergency condition resulting from untreated primary hypertension, can be lethal. It is important, therefore, for anyone with risk factors to have their blood pressure checked regularly and to make appropriate lifestyle changes.

   Symptoms of high blood pressure include drowsiness, confusion, headache, nausea, loss of vision.  Some basic steps that may be followed to check High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:

  - Be physical active by regular exercise, walking, yoga etc.

  - Maintain a healthy body weight. 

  - Follow a healthy eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy foods.

  - Avoid alcoholic beverages.

  - Quit smoking. 

  - Have a low salt intake.

Ageing and Diseases

The relationship between inheritance and longevity is well known. People exposed to environmental toxins, smoking or heavy drinking and those with poor diets are likely to have greater age-related changes taking place in their cells. Life-style factors are therefore important in limiting environmental effects.
Although the changes of ageing happen at cell level they affect every tissue and therefore every organ of the body. Four particular groups of tissue, when affected by age changes, can have major effects on body function because they are involved with all the organs and systems in one way or another are:

• Connective tissue and bone, 

• Blood vessels,

• Nervous tissue and

• Immune tissue.

Connective Tissue and Bone
Connective tissue provides the supporting structure for all organs. With age their constituents also alter. Less elastic tissue is laid down and the water content is less which leads to ageing skin wrinkles.
Bone turnover is also altered so that less calcium is incorporated into the bones making them more fragile and thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Blood Vessels
Problems with blood vessels and circulation are in part due to the connective tissue that makes up the walls of the vessels, which become less elastic and therefore less efficient carriers of blood. Since the functioning of all tissues is dependent on good blood circulation, any malfunctioning in the blood vessels and blood got widespread effects.

Nervous Tissue
Some decline in nervous system function is due to poor blood supply; however, it is also in part due to ageing effects on the system itself.
According to the research studies, ageing can bring about deterioration in the manufacture of the neurotransmitters, which is required for the conduction and the transmission of the information across the nerve fibers.
One common problem of ageing is poor bladder function. This can be due to inadequate nervous control of the bladder’s detrusor muscle.
Older patients are at increased risk of falls. This all is due to the poor coordination of the different body parts to maintain stability. And this again is due to the improper functioning of the nervous tissue.

The Immune System
White blood cells, which produce the macrophages that counteract the disease producing micro-organisms, are the central component of the immune system and although the number of these cells stays fairly constant throughout old age, the relative proportion of the different types of white cells changes. This makes older people less able to fight off infections and possibly makes them more susceptible to autoimmune and other infectious diseases

Baby Massage

There are many ways to express your love to newborn babies. Baby massage is one of them. Babies react instinctively to touch and this can be seen when they curl their fingers and toes as soon as someone or something touches them. Babies react to touch much more readily than the other four senses.

Baby massage is one of the best ways to bond with your new-born; it calms and appeases him or her. Massage has been shown to help calm colicky babies, solve wind and other digestive problems. It improves circulation and drainage and stimulates the muscles, cells and skin tissues.

Massaged daily, premature infants develop more rapidly than those who are not massaged. After six weeks, they are more alert and cry less and are more socially and emotionally expressive.

Oils for the massage:

Use natural, pure and mild oil for massaging your baby, which are very sensitive to the baby’s delicate skin.
Plant-derived base oils like grape seeds, sweet almond or coconut oil are the most suitable for baby massage and allow the baby skin to breathe. Many commercial baby oils contain mineral oils which are not easily absorbed by the skin and tend to block the pores. Perfumed products and essential oils should not be used on young babies.

Check for the oil sensitivity by rubbing a tiny amount of the oil onto his or her skin. Leave on for 30 minutes and check to see if there is any reaction. Clean off the baby’s hands with tissue or wet wipes to avoid him or her ingesting the oil. Do the same for your baby's toes.

Right time to do massage:

For massage, choose a time when the baby is alert. If the baby is tired, start after his or her nap. There is nothing to worry if he or she does not seem content the first few times as he or she is not used to the movements and the sounds of the hands.

Start the massage by creating a relaxing atmosphere, free from interruptions. Choose a quiet time and place. Lay your baby down on a mattress or bed, or on your lap and begin. Make eye contact with the baby throughout the massage and talk gently and encouragingly to him or her. The principle of baby massage is generally to work up the arms, legs and tummy, towards the heart.

The baby should not be given the massage when he or she has unexplained swelling or bruising, perhaps from recent injections; or unusual rashes. It is also not advisable to massage the baby when he or she has had a fall, has cut himself, develop new scar tissue, or if he or she has any known heart conditions or high blood pressure. It is best to consult the doctor in case of any doubt.
Remember never to massage baby after his or her feeding. Don’t wake up the baby for a massage. Do not massage a newborn infant at bath time as this can be over-stimulating.

Points to remember prior to baby massage:

• Ensure that you and your baby are relaxed and can remain undisturbed for about 15 minutes set the mood; play gentle music while massaging the baby.

• The room should be kept at a comfortable temperature.

• Remove your jewellery and watch to prevent scratching the baby. Fingernails should also be cut short.

• Keep the movements gentle. Do not apply force as his or her muscles as intense pressure could cause bruising.

• Warm your hands by rubbing them together before touching your baby.

• Pour the oil into an open bowl or container so that you don't have to worry about lids during the massage. Keep the oil at your convenience so that you can easily dip the fingers of one hand into the bowl while your other hand maintains contact with your baby.

• Do not pour oil directly onto your baby's skin.

• If you have long hair, tie it up neatly so that it does not fall onto your baby's body.

• Keep the massage sessions short, usually 15-20 minutes for a full massage.

• If your baby is colicky, there is no need to apply the full procedure of the massage. Just massage his abdomen, which will be hard and distended, in a clockwise circular motion.

• It is better to rub away the oil from your baby's hands which he may put into his mouth

Baby Care Basics

Good baby care begins with the way the newborn is held. Support should be provided at the back and head with your arm and hand. Touch your baby often. Use skin-to-skin contact and hold your baby close to you.

Some of the fundamental baby care basics have been discussed underneath:

• Cord Care-

Many parents wonder when the umbilical cord stump will fall off. The cord stump should fall off within one to three weeks after birth. At each diaper change, clean the cord with alcohol.

• Crying-

Crying is a baby's means of communication. Babies cry when they have to burp or are wet, soiled, tired, bored, or just lonely. As time goes by, a mother learns what her baby's crying means. If feeding cues accompany crying, it's usually a sign of hunger. You will not spoil your baby by responding promptly to crying. Your baby only cries if he or she needs something. When you satisfy his or her needs, your baby is learning to trust people and begins to know that someone cares for him or her. After taking care of physical needs, there are many things you can do to calm a crying baby. Try holding your baby over your shoulder, or place your baby on his or her stomach across your knees or arms. But these should be avoided when the baby have has been fed immediately. If breastfeeding, you should try to avoid the use of a pacifier until breastfeeding is well established (usually by three to four weeks).

• Sleeping-

Most newborn babies sleep more than they do anything else. Babies develop their own sleeping pattern. It is normal for a tiny baby to sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. Take advantage of your baby's sleep periods to get the rest that you need. During sleep, your baby may make sucking motions, whimper, smile, or move his or her eyes. It is recommended that all healthy full-term infants sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

• Nail Care-

During the first days of life, the baby’s nails may be long and adhered to the skin high on the nail. Trim nails frequently with blunt edged small scissors or file with an emery board to prevent scratching. Cut nails straight across. Utmost care should be taken not to injure the baby while cutting or trimming his or her nail.

• Bathing-

Provide sponge bathe for your baby until the cord falls off. After this, tub baths may be given. Bathing every one to two days is all that is necessary. Shampooing hair two to three times a week is adequate. Bathing can be done any time of day. It should, however, be given before a feeding or at least one hour after feeding. Gather baby equipment before you begin. The bath can be given in a basin, a small tub, or kitchen sink. Never leave your baby unattended during the bath. If you have forgotten something, bring the baby with you! Be sure to test the water temperature with the inside of your wrist to make sure that the water is not too hot! Use a mild soap sparingly, but not on baby's face. Lotions and oils are unnecessary. Always support the baby's head and neck and keep a good grip on baby while bathing. Babies can get very slippery. Wash the baby from head down leaving the diaper area to last. Don't leave any soap on baby. Clean the outside of the baby's ear with a washcloth around one of your fingers. Cotton tip swabs should not be used in the nose or ears.

• Diapering-

Diapering is probably the most dreaded of all baby care activities. Diapers should be changed when wet or soiled. Disposable cotton diapers are the best the baby and this also saves the mother from unwanted diaper-changing activities like washing etc. 

One should be prepared with all diapering supplies like a couple of diapers, wipes, ointment, etc., before starting to change the diaper. Choose a specific flat and secure area for the diaper change of the baby. This can be a changing table or changing pad. Be sure to use the strap for baby's safety. Never leave baby unattended while changing him or her. Unfasten the old diaper, but don't pull it out from under the baby yet. This allows for some margin of safety in case the cold air inspires baby to let go. 

Grasp the baby's ankles and gently lift their bottom up and begin to wash their bottom with the wipes. If the area is heavily soiled you can use the front part of the old diaper to remove part of the mess. As you finish with each wipe, gently place in under the baby (clean side up) for easier clean up. When the baby's skin is clean pull the diaper and wipes out from under baby and set it aside.

Place the new, clean diaper under baby and secure the fasteners. If your still have a newborn, you might need to fold down the top of the diaper to make room from the umbilical cord. Don't be afraid to pull the diaper on snuggly.

After putting baby's clothes back on, take the old diaper and use the fasteners to make it into a small ball, criss-crossing the fasteners. Place it in the diaper pail or trash. Wash your hands properly after changing the diaper each time.

Importance of calcium rich foods

Calcium is needed for growth and bone development. Deficiency of calcium leads to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis makes the bones thin. It is more common in women. More calcium is required during pregnancy, lactation. Even children and elderly require more amounts of calcium. Milk, curd, nuts, milk products, green leafy vegetables and ragi are some of the sources of calcium. Doing exercise reduces calcium loss from bones.

Health benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek has been associated with number of health benefits. It is a common herb and used as a condiment for seasoning in Indian homes. This seedwhen used in cooking imparts a characteristic flavor and tang to food. Fenugreek leaves are well known for their high nutrient content of minerals and vitamins like potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, Iron and vitamin C, riboflavin, folate, vitamin B6. These leaves also have high fiber content and also Vitamin C.  Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of fiber. It contains mucilaginous fiber and total fiber to the extent of 20% and 50% respectively. This mucilaginous fiber is recognized medically for its anti-inflammatory properties. Fenugreek seeds have many medicinal values. These include in the treatment of digestive problems, diabetes, kidney problems, wounds, cellulites, tuberculosis. A PASTE OF Fenugreek leaves or seeds , applied on face prevents pimples, dryness of skin, blackheads and it also have anti aging factors. The Fenugreek seeds contain “Diosgenin” which is more of a raw material substance used in medical steroids by pharmaceutical industries. 

> Fenugreek seeds aids in proper digestion: It maintains good metabolism and prevents constipation. The soluble fiber found in Fenugreek seed extract may help slow digestion and absorption of food. It also helps to treat colon disorders. It also increases appetite.
>Fenugreek seeds are effective in treatment of skin disorders: It relieve skin inflammation. It is also used in the treatment of eczema, gout, boils and burns.
>Fenugreek seeds reduce fever: Fenugreek seeds with lemon and honey help to reduce fever and weakness .In fever it is beneficial to consume tea added with fenugreek seeds that helps to lower the intensity of temperature rising.
>Fenugreek eases menopause symptoms: It is effective in treating the menopause symptoms including anxiety, hot flashes and insomnia this is because of its natural estrogen.
>Fenugreek may help in preventing cancer: It is an effective antioxidant. It also have anti carcinogenic properties some studies have shown that this may be due to presence of Diosgenin.
>Fenugreek also acts as a natural blood purifier and helps to prevent acne. Its also very effective in curing of oily skin.
>Fenugreek can also be used for excessive hair fall. It is believed to enhance hair growth both in men and women. Fenugreek powder mixed with curd helps in controlling your dandruff problem.
>These seeds help in lowering the risks of heart diseases.
>Fenugreek seeds help to increase production of milk in lactating mothers. The seeds contain a chemical known as Diosgenin which acts as similar to estrogen and hence promote milk production during breastfeeding.
>It is also used in the treatment of arthritis and asthma.
Fenugreek seeds help in management of Diabetes: The powder of seeds in the diet reduces blood sugar and urine sugar with improvement in glucose tolerance and diabetic symptoms in both insulin and non-insulin dependent patients. It also lowers the levels of serum lipids such as cholesterol and triglyceride. Depending upon the severity of diabetes the quantity of fenugreek seeds to be taken varies from 25g to 50g.The Fenugreek seeds powder can be incorporated in food preparations such as vegetable curries, roti and dhal etc. Seeds can also be taken as such after overnight soaking in water.

Diet Drug interactions in upper Gastrointestinal tract disorders

Antacids: Neutralise gastric acid, aluminium containing antacids contribute aluminium to the diet and may cause constipation or lead to phosphorous deficiency. Longterm or inappropriate use can lead to Aluminium toxicity. Calcium containing antacids contribute calcium to diet and may cause constipation . Magnesium containing antacids contribute magnesium to diet and may cause diarrhoea. Longterm use may lead to magnesium toxicity.

Antiboitics: When amoxylin is given without regard to food nausea and diarrhoea are common side effects.It is better to take medicine with food to reduce nausea.

Clarithromycin: when taken it may cause taste alteration nausea and diarrhoea.

Metronidezol: May cause taste alterations and no alcohol should be used during treatment  if  alcohol is given and for 24 hrs afterwards alcohol can react with metronidezole and result in nausea , vomiting, headache, cramps .

Antisecretary agents:  Inhibit gastrophasis secretion . Citnitidine may increase formation of toxic metabollites. Nizartidine when taken with tomato based juices its potency is reduced.

Omeprazole and rebeprazole:  They inhibit secretion of acids may interfere with iron absorption. When iron supplements are necessary they should be given 2 hours before or after taking protonpump inhibitors.

Organic Foods

Most of the people do not have clear cut idea regarding the organic foods. Organic foods are those foods that are produced, processed and packaged without using chemicals. Organic foods are free of pesticides. They doesn’t have any synthetic additives. They are natural foods have grown with more conscious for health of soil, the plants and people who consume them. They have significantly higher levels of nutrients and supply to the body when we eat . Organic foods retains the nutrients for longer periods of time. The problem with today’s diet they are filled with refined and junk foods which contain more amount of empty calories and harmful chemicals. And so your body nutritional requirements are not met and it ends up with obesity and diseases. The quality of health and quantity of life can be improved by organic foods.

Health Benefits of organic foods:

>Organic foods are more nutritious as they supply high level of nutrients required by the body. They are richer in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

>Organic foods contain more antioxidants: Fruits and vegetables grown organically show higher levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants. These fresh Fruits and vegetables are more juicy and full- flavored. They also taste better than non - organic foods.

>Organic foods ensures environment safety as these foods doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals in farming , there is minimal soil, air and water pollution.

>Organic foods are free of additives, flavourings and preservatives used in processing.

>Eating organic foods reduces the amount of toxic substances that you are exposing to your body. It reduces your susceptibility to cancer, Parkinson’s ,allergies etc.

>Organic meat, eggs, dairy products are produced from animals that are fed organic feed. Livestock and poultry are given all organic feeds. No antibiotics, feed grown with pesticides and hormones given to animals.

>Organic foods do not contain genetically modified organisms.

>Children are more susceptible to the harmful effects of chemicals, and prone to various diseases as their immune system is not at developed .Eating organic foods provides health benefits to children.

As we know we are what we eat. Eating safe foods, free from pesticides keeps us healthy. Here are some of the foods which we may have to choose organic -

1.Milk: In today’s some of the commercial brands available are loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics. Make sure milk and other dairy products is from organically fed cows.
2.Apples: still pesticides are used are on apples .Eat only organic apples. The main nutrient of apple is vitamin c.
3.Straw berries: The main nutrient vitamin C.
4.Spinach: The main nutrient iron, vitamins A and C.
5.Peaches: The main nutrient A and C.
6.Cherries: The main nutrient Vitamin C.
7.Pears: Main nutrients are Vitamin A, Potassium
8.Green Beans: Carotenoids ,potassium

Above mentioned are only some the examples that we should eat organic foods. As organic foods are free from pesticides the main nutrients like Vitamin A, C, Iron, Potassium, Carotenoids etc. are not destroyed.